Created by Todd Frahm for Project Kittycorn.
The kittycorn was born in the mind of a little girl, though it had sneeked into the world earlier through many other creative pores. The little girl entrusted her idea to the loathsome troll who transmogrified primordial mud into the girl’s vision.
- The troll toiled over a mold of gypsum and rubber to reproduce the fabled creature in microcrystalline wax.
- The wax is attached to feeders and breathers, and dipped in many layers of silica.
- Brimstone vanquishes the wax to make room for molten bronze.
- Once filled with bronze the silica carapace is chiseled and blasted away, so that the bronze can be ground and refined.
- Lastly, the troll unleashes the secrets of alchemy to give the creature its color.